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Home > Other safety-related topics > Ig Levels

Immunoglobulin Levels

Switching period refers to the patients started with teriflunomide and not applicable to the patients with ofatumumab in core period; For Newly switched group, data from the first dose of TER till last dose of OMB plus 100 days/analysis cutoff date have been used.

Long-term Effect of Ofatumumab on Serum Immunoglobulin Levels in Patients With Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis

Wiendl H, et al. Poster Presentation at ECTRIMS 2023.

Mean serum IgG levels remained stable and above the LLN (5.65 g/L) throughout the entire treatment period in both groups and in the majority of the patients (98.5%). Mean serum levels of IgM decreased in both groups, but in the majority of patients (76.9%), IgM levels remained above the LLN  (0.40 g/L)​
Ig, Immunoglobulin
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